About the Team

We are a group of students in Mr. Paley's 4th period CS Capstone class who are building a website to connect Gunn alumni. We hope to give our graduates an accessible way to:

  • Connect with and celebrate each other, current students and teachers
  • Support their school and community through donations, events, etc.
  • and for administrators to get feedback from alumni for students to communicate with recent graduates

To learn more about us, see our blog.

photo of clowns

Main Student Leads

Dylan Lu

Julia Kang

Sammy Lesner


Ethan Zhang

Ian Chen

Vincent Huai

Hubert Liu


Basil Lera

Lily Bedichek

Patrick Chi

Albert Lee

Michael Wu

Tunan Zhuang

Veer Ruparel


Sarah Dou

Matthew Grupenhoff

David Li

Zephan Sanghani

Contact Us:

All feedback is greatly appreciated!
